I am Andie. 20.
I'm addicted to nail polishes and basically in this blog, I'm going to be trying new nail polishes brands.

" There is NO beauty without COLOR." - Essie

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Andie tries new nail polishes [Sally Hansen Sugar Coat] | xoandie
Saturday, October 26, 2013 | 0 comments
Heeey everyone :) In this entry.. i will show you my thoughts of the new Sally Hansen sugar Coat Collection <3 and basically it makes your nails look like you have sugar(?) on your nails. And the color I choose is a Black nail polish because I don't have black nail polishes so yeah.. is in the shade "Lick-O-Rich" and I love it because it has a leather look and that's pretty cool.

with one coat you get so much color.. but if you want more texture I recommend two coats <3 And actually I think I'm going to get more of these and I'll post it here once I get it.


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